
Terry Wade Thompson

I work with thought leaders to transform your knowledge, skills, and experience into a course.

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The Habit of Intentional Thinking

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) “Nobody takes the time to just think anymore” ~ Terry Thompson ~ We have become a society that no longer takes time to conduct intentional thinking, pondering, brainstorming, or just mulling over something from different perspectives. We expect most of that “hard work” to be done for us so we are not inconvenienced as we half ass go through our day in a zombie like state. Okay, now that I got that rant out of the way, let’s get down to business. I challenge you to...

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) Authenticity is the bravest form of self-expression Sometimes, the person you thought you knew turns out to be a stranger—not because they've changed, but because they've finally allowed you to see their true colors. It's a revelation, not a transformation. "I didn't change. You just never knew me." This statement speaks to the heart of authenticity and the courage it takes to show one's true self. It's about the masks we wear and the moment we decide to take them...

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) You may fall down, but that's okay. Because, if you can look up, you can get up! Life is full of ups and downs, and while we can't always control what happens to us, we can control how we respond. One of the key qualities that can help us navigate life's challenges is resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and keep going in the face of adversity. Developing resilience is essential for maintaining mental health,...

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) You are distracted by secondary activity so much that you cannot focus on what is really important in your life ! ! ! If I do not narrow my focus down to my Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF), I will get sidetracked with all the secondary possibilities that are continuously trying to take over my time, attention, and focus. In order to help me with focusing on my BLUF, I have created the Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) Planning Method. This is a one page document that brings...

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) Worrying about what day of the week it is constantly is a limiting mindset belief that is holding you back from achieving the things you want in life . . . I have a t-shirt that says "Every Day Is Monday" and I love that shirt. It gets a lot of attention, but people always ask me "what does it mean"? For me, it's a mindset thing. I work with a lot of people who are "heavy procrastinators" and i'm still a recovering procrastinator. I hear some people say just like...

TERRY THOMPSON AUTHOR & ENTREPRENEUR Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) You are capable of achieving so much more than you currently are, but you are not doing the things you are fully capable of doing because you are too comfortable! Let me ask you "how long are you going to continue putting off what you are fully capable of doing, instead of always doing only what you are comfortable doing"? The comfort zone is a seductive place. It offers security, predictability, and minimal risk. However, it...